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Peach & Nectarine | 2021 Harvest

Peach & Nectarine | 2021 Harvest


Peach & Nectarine | 2021 Harvest is a blend of two different batches from our first season of Field & Oak during Fall of 2018; one with blueberry blossom honey added to the coolship. This three-year spontaneous blend had New Jersey yellow and white nectarines and peaches at a rate of 8 lbs per gallon. At bottling this bottle had an average age of 39 months and has been conditioning with young spontaneous since its bottling in 2022. Peach & Nectarine | 2021 pours deep gold with notes of stonefruit, honey & vanilla, finished with a balanced acidity.




Peaches, Floral, Grapefruit, Noyaux

Package types

  • Bottles

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